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I hope your week is off to super success and inspiration. When I first started this journey, I didn’t know what was ahead; I only knew what I needed. Just like every true entrepreneur, when you cannot find what you need, you have to create it. So, BAM! Dream.Build.Success. was born of course out of my need.

Let’s be honest, who wants to chase a mediocre dream?

Your dream should fill you with excitement and be driven by your passion, which means your approach needs to include all of those aspects. There is no such thing as a lazy, successful entrepreneur. Being outworked is a very easy way to lose current and potential clients. So ask yourself:

“Am I doing just enough?”

“Do you invest in yourself either by taking the time to learn the latest, doing your own research or taking courses?”

“Are you forging your own path and being unique or are you using watered down versions of other’s success?”

“What was the last crazy idea you had that came out amazing?”

“Why is it so important that you create?”

If you can’t answer all of the questions above with a positive note, it may be time to look at what you are doing. People want to be a part of amazing brands; they want to feel the energy and the excitement! Are your actions giving off that feeling?

The last thing you want to do as an entrepreneur is be inconsistent in branding, business, or your bottom line. Once your systems are in place, you can move forward at a rapid pace with excellent strategies. The sky is not even the limit!

Take some time this week as you get your weekly goals together to really define the fire behind your brand, let me know in the comments how you are being outstanding.

Need help getting your strategy together? Book a session with me; I’d love to connect with you!

P.S. Don’t forget to register for our FREE Business Course: Part 3- BOTTOM LINE.


LaShanda Gary


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