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A Different Word


While traveling I love how God speaks to me. I want to encourage you to travel more as an entrepreneur and person of faith. I strongly believe there are somethings that God will only do and say in a foreign land.

I think about all the fantastic ideas and incredible downloads God gave me while traveling recently. God is always speaking but do we have time to listen? When we are open to the possibilities of what he is saying, how he is saying it, and what’s next. We can tap into the most life changing creations ever. We serve a God that is ably to do more than we can ever imagine.

handsome african businessman with group of businesspeople on background

When I travel I love to enjoy the culture at a new destination. The new destination will help ensure that your creativity is on overdrive. Now don’t get me wrong I love the idea of relaxing. And of course I love a luxurious experience, however sometimes you just have to check out the beauty and majesty of a thousand-year old waterfall.

When we travel we always take the time to talk to the natives, dine with the locals, and enjoy culture of the homeland. Since I’m a fan of fabulous finds, the markets are a must while traveling.


Schedule Overload Have you ever felt like you just don’t have enough hours in the day? Do you wonder how some people seem to accomplish so much, despite having super-busy schedules? Have you ever awakened feeling like you’re already behind, and you haven’t even gotten out of bed yet?

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, then at some point on the journey, your answer has been yes! By changing your daily routine, you can increase your productivity and achieve higher levels of success. Highly productive and super-successful people usually don’t get to where they are by accident. They have on-purpose, daily habits for success that set them apart.

Today, I want to take some of the mystery out of maximizing your day, so that you can become profitable and productive while building your dream business! By incorporating these keys into your daily routine, you can change your life and business for the better, forever!

Unleash the power of morning meditation. Meditation should be a part of every entrepreneur’s routine. Use your quiet time to visualize your best possible outcomes for everything that’s coming at you that day. I personally love to take a morning walk as part of my meditation time. I’ve found that being in and around nature is calming and super stimulating to my creativity.

According to Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.

Consistently meditating has been shown to have profound positive effects – it actually causes physical changes to our brains and the way they work. Meditation has been shown to increase focus, reduce anxiety, enhance creativity, and improve memory retention. You might feel like you don’t have time to meditate, but I believe you can’t afford not to!

So take the time today to start fresh and meditate on the word of God. Hide it deeply in your heart! Clarity is sure to come… quick!! Gratefully,


P.S. Have you registered for the Dream & Build Success VIP Session? It is going to be amazing!



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