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Vision Clarity!


20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance. If you have 20/100 vision, it means that you must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 100 feet.

20/20 does not necessarily mean perfect vision. 20/20 vision only indicates the sharpness or clarity of vision at a distance. There are other important vision skills, including peripheral awareness or side vision, eye coordination, depth perception, focusing ability and color vision that contribute to your overall visual ability.

Let’s zone in on your vision! The clarity of intentions is essential to living a purpose drive life. The age old rules say the who, what, where, when, and how of your life mean something. The distance between a dream and the manifestation is milliseconds in some cases. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) 18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

The systems and techniques I used to manifest my dream life are not the ones usually found in the Business Section at the bookstore. Ever since I was a teen, I’ve always utilized creative visualization as the foundation of manifesting the life I want.

I’m a creative entrepreneur that uses visualization, meditation, and intentional writing to manifest my success story. I use vision boarding to crystallize my ideas, dreams and business vision. Then I post them up all around me so that I can meditate on them often. As a result of this exercise, I’ve been able to build several successful companies, manifest my dream home and cars and continue to create new product and services to empower my clients and customers.

To some this may seem like child’s play; cutting and pasting photos, and putting up inspiring images. However, this fun process is one that helps you to train your brain to focus on what you want. It also keeps you conscious of achieving your desired results. Plus, there is a strong emotional connection to creating your vision and a feeling of accomplishment that comes just from putting together your vision in this manner. Most people allow their circumstances to determine their actions. As a result they only accomplish less than 5% of what they really set out to do. Why? Because they have it all wrong. Instead of allowing your outside circumstances to perpetuate a mediocre reality, you need to pull from inside of your ideas, dreams and goals so that you can orchestrate a new reality for yourself.

My methods come from years of practice and getting results and now I’m sharing with you one of the most important exercises that has helped me build my company. Let’s look closer at the power of vision boarding and why you need it to build a better business.

A vision board can help you crystallize your big business vision.  Habakkuk 2:2 – And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make [it] plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

Most business owners have a written mission statement or a vision statement, which is the initial plan and direction you have for your company. It’s full of details like customer service experience, ideal client profile, 5 and 10-year goals, etc. Once it is written, this document is usually filed away and never looked at again. I challenge to you to take out your vision statement and create a vision board based on what you have written down, adding in new plans and ideas as you go.

By placing your big vision before you, you empower your mind to engage in small meditative moments throughout your day. A prominently placed vision board inspires all who sees it. This will keep you centered on company goals and help you to attract what you want quickly. Create vision boards for projects. Every project, special event, and life changing meeting!

Project vision boards help you to hone in on where you want to go and what you want done. The process of creating a project board helps you to clarify your plans so that you can produce results quicker. For example, when I was working on my new success dream tools line, I placed every product on one project board. Being able to see the ideas, quotes, notepads, journals and books in one place helped me clarify what the overall theme of the design should be. This is how we get all the products to compliment and match one another.

By prayer and meditating on the project board often, I started adding design elements and other features that were authentic to my personal style and taste. I often looked at this board while planning the products in my business events. Even though I didn’t produce all the products at once, one can clearly see that they compliment each other and work well together as a bundle of success accessories for intentional living.


Another thing about project boards…by meditating on them often, you’ll be inspired to take more action and manifest your projects quickly. With a clear plan and vision everything will begin to fall in place so that you can accomplish your intended goals. You’ll meet the right people, find the right supplier, and get the best deal and so on. This happens because you’ve narrowed your focus and placed a demand to produce what you’ve been meditating on.

Vision Boards enable you to open up to accepting and allowing your next level. This works! Habakkuk 2:3 – For the vision [is] yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.


By engaging in the process of adding pictures and words to your innermost desires, you’re opening yourself to accept and allow it to happen in your life. Many times, we never share our desires or speak them out loud because of the inner critic that may be blocking them with excuses. Extract your desires from your heart, write them down, add pictures and words to them, meditate on them often and you will gradually become more accepting and open to receiving it into your life. The more you are open to getting what you want the faster you’ll have it.

WARNING: Don’t get stuck trying to figure out the “how”. Put your energy into getting a vision for the “what” so that you can manifest without limits. As you paste in pictures and phrases that correspond with your dreams, you reinforce your ability to have those things in your subconscious mind. Rather than focusing on your fears like most people, you will begin to focus on those things that you truly want and that will bring fulfillment. You can attract your dreams right to you!

Take a look at these step-by-step instructions for creating the perfect vision board for your business and life:

How to Create a Vision Board:

STEP ONE:  Gather the supplies you need: glue sticks, foam core board or poster board, magazine on your favorite topics of interest and scissors.

STEP TWO: Create a focus title for your board. The title is a way for you to personalize the board and give yourself a focus. The title will help sum up what your collage is about and will also help direct your choice of pictures and words to build your collage around.

STEP THREE: Cut out pictures, words and phrases to create your collage. Now it’s time to find the pictures, words and phrases that depict your mental image. Look in magazines, brochures, catalogs and advertisements for pictures or you can take new photos or use ones you already have.

STEP FOUR: Meditate on your vision board. Place the board in a place where you can see it often. You can put it near your desk, in your closet or next to your bed. Spend time daily looking at the pictures and thinking about how you will feel when you have, be or do what is on the board.

The pictures you have pasted on your board provide you with a visual target for your goals. Make a practice of meditating on your collage pages regularly. Take some quiet time to look at and absorb the collages. Each picture, word or phrase is a reflection of your passions, interests and desires.

STEP FIVE: Implement the power of affirmations. Begin to say verbal affirmations about your board daily. Say words out loud to yourself daily, and soon they will become ingrained in you and a permanent part of your thinking.

STEP SIX: Turn your visualization into action. You must take steps toward the dreams you have posted. For example, if you have posted pictures of your dream vacation, take action by purchasing a book about that destination. If you want a million-dollar home, go take a tour of houses in the neighborhood you want to live in. Whatever it is, do something. When you do your part, you will powerfully attract your dreams to you like a magnet and speed up your manifestation.

So with this being said… send me pictures of the Vision Boards!





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