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Can you believe we are about to say goodbye to 2016? Can you believe that? This year has been amazing for my businesses and I can’t wait for the Presence, Products, and Profits Program to start in a few days which is why I’m sending this email today.

When was the last time you invested in your business? Looking back over the last 12 months of 2016, have you accomplished the goals you set for your life and your business this year?

It’s easy to set goals at the beginning of the year when you feel as if the entire year is before you, but as we get ready to go into 2017 it’s time for some activation.

Are you confused on why Facebook, Instagram, and social media seem not to work for your business?

Know others are making money online everyday but no idea how to position yourself your own success?

Seeking clarity on your brand direction?

Needing help creating your first digital product?

Ready to start building blog and mailing list based on your expertise?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, the 90 day coaching program is for you.


So before you sign up, what makes me the best coach for you?

In the last 14 months:

12,000k Followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linking my way to 2,500k in 3 Months just on Instagram Wrote 2 Ebooks in 7 Days Wrote My Book (Destiny)

Built my mailing lists to over 1,000 subscribers in less than 30 days. Worked with hundreds of brands to establish revenue, presence, products, and begin to see true profits in their business and I want to end the year helping 50 businesses grow into their full potential.

The 90 Day coaching plan includes the following and will be limited to 30 members.

It will cover:

Everyone will receive monthly social media marketing plan as well help with product creation and launches as needed.

There will be a monthly MasterCall that we all will attend to check in on progress support and provide information.

Each participant will receive an initial brand audit and monitoring throughout the 3 month period.

We will have a small private Facebook set up for the members to interact with each other and support.

There will also be 8 weekly assignments for building your brand, mailing list, blog, or social media.

The 3 Month period begins on 1/1/2017 and ends on 3/31/2017.

A VIP Group Session Live Class via Webinar

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn and earn, even if you are starting from scratch we can build your brand!


LaShanda Gary


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